Yep, we were the only tourists on the island, where we were to stay for 5 days. Good birds.

20210802 202258185 aiu boarding pass
5382 visits
20210802 205124067 rarotonga scenery and plane v1
5161 visits
20210802 211545914 in the terminal v1
5646 visits
20210802 215746388 air raro embraer bandeirante
5594 visits
20210802 215929828 rar terminal
5741 visits
20210802 220014783 on the plane v1
5231 visits
20210802 220034025 safety card
5674 visits
20210802 220628168 rarotonga
5011 visits
20210802 224801984 atiu
5697 visits
20210802 224904241 landing in the forest
5583 visits
20210802 225236846 welcome or farewell atiu
5872 visits
20210802 230738923 parade
5109 visits
20210802 230742496 purple team v1
4759 visits
20210802 230847573 running dog.MP
5886 visits
20210802 232835863 transportation
5094 visits
20210802 232928510 red junglefowl v1
5072 visits
20210802 232958712 plam on the bike.PORTRAIT
5529 visits
20210803 000248962 accommodation by mama rouru
5269 visits
20210803 003659234 not nikau
5555 visits
20210803 003842473 royal cemetary v1
5376 visits
20210803 003847693 cook islands christian church
5121 visits
20210803 005011300 three piglets v1
5146 visits
20210803 005144800 pig and coconut v1
5057 visits
20210803 005358852 derelict
5189 visits
20210803 005759455 looks like atiu has services
5143 visits
20210803 010314009 coconut and hiding bird
5483 visits
20210803 011515392 know your risks v1
6203 visits
20210803 012200972 bee.PORTRAIT v1
5074 visits
20210803 032728649 rainy atiu
5833 visits
00128 house gecko like wall coloured
7458 visits
00142 gecko v1
7700 visits
20210803 085512230 two geckos
6047 visits
05197 gecko on sill
5694 visits
05202 gecko near bug v1
5047 visits