Didn't quite make it into Auckland, but did go to the flea market at Mangere and ex-volcanoes in the parks there.

20201113 220904775 suburban pukeko
779 visits
09884 electronics at mangere market
692 visits
09885 socks
679 visits
09886 sunglasses
691 visits
09887 fake flowers
705 visits
09888 at mangere market
702 visits
09889 deluxe gas stove
714 visits
09891 mangere domain stump
646 visits
09893 old volcanic crater
639 visits
09894 mangere mountain summit
654 visits
09897 paths through crater
736 visits
09898 geodetic survey mark
624 visits
09900 mangere v1
666 visits
09903 flower v1
668 visits
09904 bench
665 visits
09905 mangere lagoon
758 visits
09908 baseball diamond
693 visits
20201114 065758090 sunset and birds from viewing point v1
657 visits
20201114 204206041 air new zealand where we fly
810 visits